czwartek, 6 sierpnia 2009


Back to interrupted motive - books. I was buying various books. From some point of view it wasn't really strange. I used to buy even more on my best times. However, considering that I didn't get salary anymore it was very destructive behavior. Besides I don't even have a place to store them.

I bought:

1) "European Union Politics" by Michelle Cini since I've found pretty pathetic the fact that I worked for EU and haven't had much idea about it.

2) "Grammar of the film language" by Daniel Arijon since the last monography on film means of expression was published in Poland before I was even born. I've got it of course but I thought it would be good to get updated on new streams and I also knew if I wouldn't buy it then I never would.

3) "Teach Yourself Czech" by David Short since everything that had anything to do with Czech Republic became my new great passion. I wanted to be able to write letters to Jan in his mother tongue. However, I know myself and I knew I will never learn it. I bought the textbook anyway.

4) I bought also French textbook. It became clear to me after the traineeship - if you don't speak French, you're lost. And I always wanted to learn that language. If not now than when, I thought.

5) "The anthology of American and English poetry" even.

6) "What Do You Say After You Say Hello?" by Eric Berne. No surprise here.

7) "Semantyka i składnia czasowników oznaczających akty mowy w języku polskim i czeskim" by Zbigniew Greń.

8) "Ten by Ten" - the collection of photos by Robert Mapplethorpe. I will finish with it, the most important one.

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