I bought Burkhard's exhibition catalogue. Buying it I was really enjoying my Belgian life. I have been earning there more than 1000 euros per month and the catalogue cost 36 euros, I didn't even notice that expense. In Poland, on the other hand, even though I have also earned 1000 per month (polish currency of course so it was about 250 euros) I couldn't afford even to go to any exhibition since the journey itself was too expensive, not mentioning buying a catalogue once I would go there. Buying it would cost me more than 100zł which was 10% of my monthly income which I have spent entirely on the most basic needs in two weeks and tried to survive somehow for the rest of the month… Oh yes, my life in Belgium was fine.
It was one of the most severe daily difficulties when I came back - everything seemed to be unbearable expensive, some things cost even five times more than it used to in Belgium, like my favorites as chips or kinder snacks! I realized I need to learn again how to make groceries. I was spending too much money on it. In Belgium small groceries cost me about 15, big ones 50, in Poland - 50 regular ones and 250 the big ones. It was quite shocking.
I could afford buying actimel being in Belgium, I could afford everything I needed and wanted and was still able to save some money for paying my polish debts back. For God sake, I could go to Paris without saving money, just taking some from one salary. I have never, in my entire life, managed to go to Paris from Poland!
When I want to go to Warsaw and back from where I am now I have to spent 200zł for such a journey, 20% of my monthly income. My budget gets ruined in that case. Being in Belgium I could go to Paris and back with Thalys (!) paying only 25 euros (!) for the trip, which was 2,5% of my monthly income. I could make calls to Poland for 0,50 per minute. In Poland only national calls cost me 0,09 more.
I could normally live for the first time in my life in Belgium and now this life's gone. Don't wonder I'm depressed. When you spent all your money on room and food, when you can not afford anything, when you can not go to dentist, when you use one pair of shoes for seven years – the bright side of life disappears.
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2 komentarze:
nic nie "fersztejen", nie rozumieć z tego co piszesz... taki "europejski" sie stales;)))
Jeśli nic nie rozumieć, to pewnie dlatego, że kiedy ja mówić po angielski, to to jest full of errors. I tyle po mojej europejskości. O wybaczenie proszę.
Miało być dwujęzycznie, ale za leniwy na to jestem. Proszę o wybaczenie po raz drugi. Mój angielski taki jest marny, że przyjąłem, że jak potrafię coś napisać, to każdy będzie umiał to odczytać.
Nie, żebym się tam wiele angielskiego nauczył, bo dyslektykom języków obcych uczyć się trudno, ale osłuchałem się trochę i nie chcę, żeby to całkiem uciekło w krótkim czasie. Bo ucieka bardzo szybko. Opieram się zatem. Jakem rzekł, samolubną mam motywację do tegoż tutaj blogowania. Proszę o wybaczenie po raz trzeci. :-)
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